Starfire Horse Rescue has been a journey sparked by Dana’s work in animal healing, herbalism, and communication, and her ability to create her own little herd which were rescued by other horse rescue centres. Her devotion and love for horses inevitably led her on a path to utilise her own abilities in healing to take in abused horses of her own, incorporating equine connection, holistic healing and animal herbalism. The idea has been brewing in her mind for quite some time but it was only in 2024 when she truly took that leap and followed her heart.

It is primarily family run and each offers a gift to the work we do here. It is by no means a huge operation, and it would be no understatement to say it is humble and quaint and following a not so traditional means of horsemanship and horse care. But ultimately, the care and well-being of the horses who enter are of top priority and it is integral that we stay true to this and not take on more than we can handle, or which may compromise a lack in complete care and dedication to the horses who find themselves here.

Along with focusing on healing troubled, neglected and abused horses, we also take in horses temporarily for those who may be struggling whether it be financially, due to health, re in need of respite, or other circumstances, allowing the owner (guardian) to heal or resolve the difficult situation before reuniting them.

We also endeavour to continually manage the land, with a rewilding plan,  to ensure complete harmony, enrichment, and health for the horses. The environment the horses live within is crucial in the ethos of Starfire Horse Rescue.

You will find other projects which can help support the work we do, and we hope to encourage community, promote well-being for people, and educate in alternative ways of equine connection.


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