It would be quiet easy to think that bird was doing okay. She is well rounded, seems fairly relaxed and content, spending time laying down with the herd. She by no means appears under nourished and gains weight very easily. But the contours in her face, the deep wrinkles and sadness in her eyes is so apparent to see and gives away the stressful life she has had, and how it has affected her body. It is always so crucial that I am always in tune with the behaviour of the horses and the language they are continually conveying to us, one which is always honest. I see the areas of tension, the stress stored in her physical body and it is all the more precious to see her finding comfort, ease and relaxation not only with her new herd, but also with me. Sadly Bird has endured two serious bouts of laminitis, so evident in the markings on her hoof and this would have been unnoticed and completely unmanaged. It is something now we can improve on, in a complete holistic and vitalist approach, along with proper regular hoof care. Extreme conditions and continual stress and high alert are probably the most likely cause since grazing was very poor, and likely she faced challenges of very little food and then excess, putting very stress on her whole body. Her immune system is weakened and her gut is very imbalanced. Other signs of stress and weakened immune system are showing in her body’s intelligent response. We have tremendous concern for one hoof but the conclusion is not definite yet and we are hopeful that it is not the worst case situation. but whatever it is, we will do out best and more to help her to a place of harmony and health;. I have made a flower essence blend, and have taken time to determine which herbs will be most beneficial for her whole body, mind and soul.

1 comment

  1. Poor soul, Bird suffered enough during her life, but this is in the past now and she is in the very best of hands. Thank you so much for taking her in and giving her the best life.

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